Dear Sir / Madam, We are interested in buying your product: Please give us your price list quote PRICE F.O.B, Felixstowe, USD Minimum quantity to order: Payment terms : Loading port: Please give me the quotation by email to ( as this is the only way faster to get to us. Thank you,
Sincerely Omar Rashid.
rahid_chemicalsgroups@hotmail.com2016-05-08 00:33
Dear Sir / Madam, We are interested in buying your product: Please give us your price list quote PRICE F.O.B, Felixstowe, USD Minimum quantity to order: Payment terms : Loading port: Please give me the quotation by email to ( as this is the only way faster to get to us. Thank you,
Sincerely Omar Rashid.
rahid_chemicalsgroups@hotmail.com2016-05-08 00:33
Stelmaszczyk wkładał flagę w psie gówno więc teraz widząc jak wkłada waszą promocję w tort to mi się na wymioty zbiera. Bo tak jak by to też gówno było.
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Rafał Cieszyński i Krzysztof Stelmaszyk w kampanii na 21. urodziny Canal+ (wideo)
Dear Sir / Madam,
We are interested in buying your product:
Please give us your price list quote
PRICE F.O.B, Felixstowe, USD
Minimum quantity to order:
Payment terms :
Loading port:
Please give me the quotation by email to ( as this is the only way faster to get to us.
Thank you,
Omar Rashid.
Dear Sir / Madam,
We are interested in buying your product:
Please give us your price list quote
PRICE F.O.B, Felixstowe, USD
Minimum quantity to order:
Payment terms :
Loading port:
Please give me the quotation by email to ( as this is the only way faster to get to us.
Thank you,
Omar Rashid.
Stelmaszczyk wkładał flagę w psie gówno więc teraz widząc jak wkłada waszą promocję w tort to mi się na wymioty zbiera. Bo tak jak by to też gówno było.