Ricardo Canavati Tafich, Presidente.Tu mente de perversa Como acelera cuando pone la reversa Choca con el hunter cazando la presa No baje el fronte vamo a matarnos.The only instance where the band didn t have to put up much of a fight was when it came to their fans.William used a Fender Twin Reverb.Segall even busts out one of his patented fuzzed-out solos near the end, 30 seconds of jagged guitar histrionics that proves a solo doesn t have to be epic in length to get the job done.
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Ricardo Canavati Tafich, Presidente.Tu mente de perversa Como acelera cuando pone la reversa Choca con el hunter cazando la presa No baje el fronte vamo a matarnos.The only instance where the band didn t have to put up much of a fight was when it came to their fans.William used a Fender Twin Reverb.Segall even busts out one of his patented fuzzed-out solos near the end, 30 seconds of jagged guitar histrionics that proves a solo doesn t have to be epic in length to get the job done.