
Burza wokół Michała Figurskiego i Kuby Wojewódzkiego (wideo)



A co nie ma tak, sama prawda.

marian 2010-04-29 22:55

Biedny Bisiorek!

Zszokowany to będziesz po rozmowie z Coca Colą:

"Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email and the opportunity to respond to your concerns.

As a soft drinks company, we do not support any political party or movement and always seek to ensure our marketing activity is sensitive to local opinions and cultures. This is the case everywhere we operate.

If the recent broadcast by the ESKA Rock programme offended you, we apologise. However, I would point out that as a sponsor of the programme, we have no influence over its contents and were not aware that our logo would be used in the video clip that was broadcast.

I can assure you that the use of our logo on this occasion was not an indication of our support of the content of the ESKA Rock broadcast. We have already set up a meeting with the Radio tomorrow to discuss the incident and the consequences of it for our cooperation. "

Konkurencja2010-04-29 23:15

a jasne. zakazujmy w ogóle wspominać o tragedii w smoleńsku, a krytykować Kaczkę to już Borze broń, przecież on w żałobie... tak trzymać, chłopaki!

Ins2010-04-29 23:20
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